Book reviews and commentaries

Michel, C. (forthcoming). Why Predictive Processing Matters. Review of: The Experience Machine: How Our Minds Predict and Shape Reality. Andy Clark, Pantheon Books, New York, 2023. Philosophical Psychology.

Michel, C. (2023). Towards a new standard model of concepts?  Review of: Abstract concepts and the embodied mind: Rethinking grounded cognition. Guy Dove, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2022. Philosophical Psychology.

Michel, C., & Löhr, G. (2023). Copredication and complexity revisited: A reply to Murphy's reply. Cognitive Science.

Löhr, G., & C. Michel (2022). Predictive processing and the semiological principle: Commentary to Duffley: Duffley, P. (2020). Linguistic meaning meets linguistic form. Oxford University Press. Manuscrito, Vol. 45, n.1, pp. 5-20.

Michel, C. (2021). Active and passive concept change: Marques, T., & Wikforss, Å. (Eds.). (2020). Shifting concepts: The philosophy and psychology of conceptual variability. Oxford University Press. Metascience.


Löhr, G, Michel, C. (2022). Is copredication the result of good-enough processing?  3rd Joint Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology & European Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Milan (Italy).

Michel, C. (2022). Overcoming the modal/amodal dichotomy of concepts: A Predictive Processing approach. Colloquium for the Modal & Amodal Cognition Research Unit. University of Tübingen.

Löhr, G., Michel, C. (2021). A predictive processing approach to copredication. Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP), 47th Annual Meeting.

Michel, C. (2021) The scale-up challenge for Predictive Processing: the case of language.  28th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP).

Peer reviews

I have reviewed manuscripts for journals like Minds & Machines, Language and Cognition, Philosophical Psychology, Psychological Research, Brain & Language and Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.